For many years now, the Thuringian company GRAFE has been a partner to major German OEM and is viewed as a specialist in the development and manufacture of master sample plates / central color plates for interior plastic applications.  With the digital revolution, the company is faced with new challenges which it is meeting innovatively.

Thursday, 09/19/2019


„The development and manufacture of master sample plates represents both a development lead and excellent marketing for GRAFE. Through our development alliances with the premium OEM of the German automobile industry, we know the colors long before they are used in series vehicle production. This enables us to best satisfy our customers’ demands both in terms of quantity and quality, “ says Clemens Rösler, Head of GRAFE Automotive Sales.

The ongoing digital transformation of our world and the ever-expanding e-mobility is changing the use of color and material properties in the automobile as well. While the use of physical master sample plates will not be replaced in the coming years, data on colors and surface qualities will be increasingly transformed into digital data sets.  In this respect, the Volkswagen Group has taken on a pioneering role among German OEMs.

Today’s measuring instruments enable an exact determination of a color within a given color space. The generated data harmonize precisely with the high-quality software solutions of GRAFE. „This allows an optimal digital comparison of color data so that we are able to accurately represent a color in plastic solely on the basis of digital data sets. This method can be used not only in the automotive field but can also be applied to many other target groups“, continues Rösler.

The masterbatch experts at GRAFE benefit not only from innovative technical solutions but also from the know-how of their staff gathered over many years.  Both factors combine to create  a huge data base on which the company relies to satisfy their customers’ needs in the quickest and best possible way within the ongoing digital transformation.