GRAFE is the German specialist in modification of thermoplastics – a modern company that is aware of its responsibility to its employees, its region and future generations
We live up to this responsibility through our involvement in the areas of education, culture and sport. Here are some of our activities:
Creativity must always be encouraged. The GRAFE Creativity Award enables its sponsors to participate in the POSITIONS BERLIN art exhibition. With this special award, we give students of the Bauhaus University Weimar the opportunity to present themselves and their work to an international audience.
We invest in the top performers of tomorrow. Every year, we award the GRAFE Abitur Prize to honor outstanding achievements in the natural sciences in the southern part of the Weimar region. The prize is worth 1,000 euros and is awarded for school achievements in scientific subjects throughout the senior grades.
Colors are our passion – and not only in the form of masterbatches and compounds: like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Duchess Anna Amalia and Duke Carl August, we support the Weimar School of Painting and Drawing, one of the oldest art schools of its kind in Germany.
GRAFE is committed to promoting Germany as a business location. Together with around 100 companies and foundations, we work in the Wissensfabrik e.V. to make our economy future-proof.
The “Wissensfabrik – Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.” is an initiative of companies and foundations that is committed to the education of children and young people as well as entrepreneurship in Germany. The nationwide network of German business has around 140 members from all sectors and of all sizes. The aim is to promote interaction between business, educational institutions and science in order to strengthen Germany’s strength in innovation. In more than 3,000 educational partnerships, the non-profit association based in Ludwigshafen is committed to knowledge transfer and development of competence in the natural sciences, technology and economic enterprise. One focus is on educational projects for kindergartens and elementary schools, which are developed together with academic partners. In addition, the Wissensfabrik supports young entrepreneurs in the implementation of their business ideas with a mentoring program and with the start-up initiative WECONOMY. The Wissensfabrik is a particularly effective organization: it was awarded the Phineo Wirkt seal for its KiTec technology project.
The foundation for a good all-round education must be laid early on. GRAFE has therefore taken on sponsorship of a newspaper for the Blankenhain primary school “Lindenschule”. Every 14 days the school receives 25 copies of the children’s newspaper “Meine Kleine”. In addition to all kinds of interesting and exciting things, the children learn to read better with the help of the newspaper and above all they see that education can be fun.
There are many sports enthusiasts among GRAFE employees. Our athletes regularly take part in competitions such as the Weimar City Run to the Zwiebelmarkt or the GutsMuths-Rennsteig Run.
GRAFE: always a little faster – because sport motivates and strengthens team spirit.
If you want to be successful, you need courage – courage to deliver color and function.
As a family-run company, we have a responsibility for the region. We therefore operate sustainably and handle the resources available to us with care. This is also why we are certified according to ISO 50001:2011. In addition, we support young talent, because secure jobs and commitment to art, education and culture are matters close to our heart.
We attach great importance to our quality – and with successful results. After thorough testing by TÜV Rheinland, we were awarded the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate and are also certified according to the highest automotive standard IATF 16949:2016. This confirms our high quality in the development, production and distribution of color & additive masterbatches and compounds for plastics processing.
For us, service means reacting flexibly to customer requirements. Whether it’s by telephone, video conference or directly on your premises, we want to give our customers the security of knowing that they have made the right decision in choosing us as their partner.
Everything is possible for us, because we never stand still. Always with the vision of our customers in mind, we create tailor-made products and solutions with passion. We do not follow trends, we set our own. Our development department and a specially established innovation team are already looking for solutions today for the problems of tomorrow.
GRAFE is not only interested in its own research and development, but also in sharing experience with other manufacturers from the plastics and automotive industries and the packaging sector.
In addition to this exchange of knowledge and experience, we develop industry innovations in cooperation with other companies and are committed to promoting young talent and public representation of common concerns.
PolymerMat e.V.
Plastics Cluster Thuringia
PolymerMat e.V. is a network which brings together the interests of the companies of the plastics industry in Thuringia and offers a platform for cooperation between companies in the plastics industry in innovation and implementation of new technological advances in the plastics sector.
Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (dvi)
As a network for the packaging industry, the Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut (German Packaging Institute) or dvi supports the transfer of expertise and promotes dialog between companies, institutions and partners. Its members come from all levels of the value chain.
Wissensfabrik –
Unternehmen für Deutschland e.V.
GRAFE is committed to Germany as a business location, and together with about 100 companies and foundations, we work in the Wissensfabrik e.V. to make our economy future-proof.
automotive thüringen e.V.
automotive thüringen e.V. (“at”) was founded on August 29, 2000 by 9 Thuringian companies as Automobilzulieferer Thüringen e.V. (AZT) with the aim of strengthening Thuringian automotive supply companies.
GRAFE is a member of TÜV Thüringen. As a reliable partner for the operational safety of our production equipment, TÜV Thüringen is always at our side with its expertise.